Maximizing Your Weekend Workouts: A Guide to Staying Healthy

Did You Know...

Health experts generally agree that adults should aim for at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. Yep, that's it. That's your benchmark. Just over 20 minutes a day 3 times per week is all it takes to protect your weekend plans.

Think about it. We look forward to getting out and active on the weekends. The last thing we want standing in our way is an avoidable or embarrassing injury. That's where our weekday habits can make all the difference.

Movement truly is medicine for the body. Regular exercise during the week can help reduce the risk of injury on the weekends. And if nagging aches and pains are keeping you sidelined, you know the movement experts to call!

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Why It Matters

And get this. Compared to inactive individuals, weekend warriors have a lower risk of developing arthritis. Studies also suggest they have a 30 percent lower risk of developing depression.

Dr. Vivian

Next Steps

So, how do you reap the benefits? Think less sitting and more moving, stretching, and strength training. Just a few minutes spent each day developing these habits will help improve your support, stability, flexibility, and overall fitness.

Start with just 10 minutes each day. Utilize your smartwatch and health apps to receive reminders to help you start making each part of your daily routine. Feel free to pick our brains if you're looking for new things to try as well!

Until next week, make time for your self-care. Be sure to have your next appointment scheduled and to favorite our social channels for more!

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PS: We're committed to inspiring you to live a healthy life in-person and online. Enjoy our weekly emails and posts and please share!

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Reference: The Underappreciated Health Benefits of Being a Weekend Warrior. Harvard Health Publishing. 2017.


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