Aching Knees No More: Take a Step Towards Pain-Free Knees

Did You Know...

If you've been feeling a twinge in your knees, you're far from alone. With chronic knee pain affecting up to 25% of adults, it's a widespread issue that can put a serious crimp in your stride.

Your knees, which operate much like a door hinge, bear the brunt of every step you take, so, it's no wonder that injuries, alignment issues, and wear-and-tear can leave them aching.

The good news? These joints are designed to last a lifetime if you take care of them, and that's exactly what we're here to help you do!

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Why It Matters

Get this. The knee is a weight bearing joint, and it turns out that one pound of body weight actually translates to about four pounds of pressure on your knees—wow! Needless to say, making sure they get the attention they need is important.

Next Steps

And get this. Every step you take transfers force from the bottom of your foot to your knee. It's not uncommon for back and hip issues and even faulty footwear to lead to knee pain and chronic discomfort.

Paying attention to your footwear and ensuring your low back and hips are moving freely are all essential to your overall knee health. And whether you need and adjustment or footwear advice, we're here to help.

Until next week, make time for your self-care. Be sure to have your next appointment scheduled and to favorite our social channels for more!

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PS: We're committed to inspiring you to live a healthy life in-person and online. Enjoy our weekly emails and posts and please share!

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References: Chronic Knee Pain. Healthline. 2021.


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